Let’s learn the Shag dance together!Yeah, you heard this correctly! We are organizing an awesome week with teachers from Barcelona again! 5 hours of memorable shag classes, where you will be able to sweat, lose weight and have tons of fun!
This workshop is planned for the second week of September and will be an open level with super fun moves, so you are welcome to join and test!The days we propose are the following:● Thursday, 8th of September, from 18:30 till 20.00, @Danckert Krohn senior center● Friday, 9th of September, from 19:00 till 20.30, @ Ny-Kronenborg center (Danmarksplass)● Saturday, 10th of September, from 15:00 till 17.00, @ Ny-Kronenborg center (Danmarksplass)● Sunday, 11th of September – open floor and self practice / drills with feedback from the instructor, @ Ulriken bydelssenter (Landås)After these 5 hours and self practice, you will be very well familiarized with the basic notions of shag, a wide range of cool moves and you will be able to actually dance at fast swing music in a social environment! We will also teach you how to “glue” the steps together, no worries, the vocabulary does not come alone!
Through this workshop, our goal is to help you master super quick dances as well and enjoy fast songs. So, you will not hide under an umbrella anymore when you hear a fast song, but you will surely wanna dance them all! Besides this, you will laugh and you will have lots of fun!Please let us know if this is an interesting opportunity for you and we will be happy to launch it!
Workshop fees:
All around pass: 600 Kr
For Cottontails members: 500 Kr
Drop in: 200 Kr/class
Sunday practice – free of charge
Use the follwing link to register and we will contact you.https://forms.gle/VZMjGSbGEq4zcPtn8Check this awesome dance out: