It’s taster-time again at The Cottontails!
We’re so hyped to announce this taster in Slow Bal coming up in the beginning of March! Important: you don’t have to know any Balboa to attend this taster, come as you are and tell your friends! This class will definitely also boost your feel for connection in Lindy Hop, so we’re encouraging all members to attend!
Place: Danckert Krohn
Time: 20:00-21:00
Slow Bal, short for Slow Balboa, is a swing dance with similarities to
Balboa, but danced to much slower music, which gives it a unique dance flow. The dance is said to be just as old as Balboa, but it is also still being developed. The basic steps and shapes are derived from the old timers, but a new generation of slow bal dancers have been inspired to create new shapes and figures.
A clip to get into the mood:
This taster is an open event, so anyone is welcome to join! If you’re a member of the Cottontails (also a non-class member) you get in for free. If you’re not a member but still want to join, this taster will cost you 75 kr. This can be vippsed (#94745) to us when you attend, or paid into our bank account: 1503.10.35667.
See ya there!